Presentation: "Cloud-Ready Applications using vFabric"

Track: Cloud and NoSQL / Time: Thursday 15:35 - 16:35 / Location: Room 202/203

To realize the full promise of cloud, you need a new approach to data management that supports the needs of applications deployed across elastic, highly scalable, geographically distributed architectures.

We will discuss overcoming performance bottlenecks into how other organizations are managing data for their modern applications.

You will learn about:
  • Building applications that really can scale using Spring Data and vFabric
  • Overcoming data scalability bottlenecks using vFabric Gemfire
  • Designing applications that can burst from your Private Cloud to a Public Cloud

Adam Skogman, Consulting Architect, vFabric, Cloud Application Platform

Adam Skogman

Biography: Adam Skogman

Adam works as a Consulting Architect atSpringSource. He specializes in building scalable, high-performance systemsusing Gemfire Datagrid technology and helping customers implement Private PaaSClouds.